Howdy, Gamer! Welcome to the JAGGED ALLIANCE 2 Demo. The demo does NOT represent the beginning of the full game. It contains maps and gameplay made especially for this demo. Due to size constraints, the demo consists of primarily the tactical gameplay with only a touch of role-playing. It does not contain any of the strategic elements. Also, due to size, the number of music pieces included is limited and the music is "compressed" and in mono only. Jagged Alliance 2 requires Direct X (version 2.0 or greater) to run. Some info you will find helpful: -------------------------------- Enemies that are visible to your selected merc appear in color while enemies whose positions are "known" (seen by another merc, etc) appear in gray. Also, enemies on ground level glow red while enemies on roofs glow yellow. If your target cursor is black, you probably don't have a good shot from that position. If the target cursor is flashing, you're out of range. While most "use/target" cursors appear automatically when you place your cursor over a valid target, sometimes you have to manually make the "use" cursor appear by right clicking. An example of this is first aid or grenades. Speaking of grenades, when you go to toss one, watch for the red cursor - it will try to give you an idea of where the grenade will actually end up. Make sure you understand how the SHIFT and N keys work. Because you are playing in an isometric environment, they will come in very useful! MOUSE COMMANDS -------------------------- Right click and hold brings up the "cursor" menu, which gives you options such as aim, walk, etc. An ordinary right click brings up the "use" cursor. This allows the selected merc to use the item in his main hand. If he's holding a gun, the use cursor will be a crosshairs; if he's holding a med kit the use cursor will be a red cross; and so on. Left click the use cursor on a target to carry out an action. (For example: to fire a gun, choose a merc with a gun in her main hand, right click to get a crosshairs cursor, then left click the crosshairs cursor on the target to fire.) Moving the mouse over your selected character's figure will produce two yellow arrows. If you then hold down the left mouse button and drag your mouse up or down, you can use this method to change the merc's stance. Right click on portraits toggles between TEAM and INVENTORY panels. The INVENTORY panel allows you to access equipment worn or carried by that merc. Real-time: Double click RUNS Left click and hold, plus right click is an "all-move" for the whole team. You can also click and drag a rectangle to select more than one merc. This will work for MOVEMENT ONLY. You can then use ALT + left click on figurines to add or subtract other mercs. Turn based: Left click and hold, plus right click is one way to cycle between movement modes. REGULAR GAME KEYS ------------------------------ SHIFT Forces cursor to stay in MOVEMENT mode. A VERY USEFUL KEY WHEN TRYING TO MOVE AROUND DOORWAYS OR YOUR OWN MERCS! CONTROL Forces HAND cursor ESC Aborts action (movement etc) PAUSE Pauses the game. ALT In conjunction with movement, allows mercs to move backwards or sideways In conjunction with selecting mercs, will not locate to them/or select them depending on SELECTION METHOD option. ENTER Locates (cycles between) visible enemies. TAB Changes cursor level. THIS IS IMPORTANT. IF YOU ARE TRYING TO SELECT OR TARGET SOMEONE ON A DIFFERENT LEVEL, YOU WILL NEED TO CHANGE TO THE PROPER LEVEL FIRST! Remember: enemies glowing yellow are on roofs! F1..F6 Selects/Locates mercs SPACE Selects next merc in squad B Toggles BURST mode for certain guns ~ Toggles between TEAM and INVENTORY panels N Cycles between multiple targets in same location. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT KEY THAT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! X eXchanges places with another merc. R Changes to RUN mode S Changes to STANDING stance C Changes to CROUCH stance P Changes to PRONE stance L Look cursor I Shows overview of sector map O Options screen ALT-S Quick Save ALT-L Quick Load M Map screen W Toggle building Wireframes T Toggle Treetops Some Things to Keep in Mind ---------------------------- This demo was created as the product entered its Beta stage. This means there may be "bugs" in the demo and some of the features and play balance may change between this demo and the final product. Feel free to let us know which aspects you like or dislike; after all, we're making the game for YOU. You may find the demo fairly challenging. It does not represent the beginning of the real game in terms of challenge, but more like somewhere in the middle. If you find yourself getting frustrated, you may want to set the difficulty level to EASY and/or check out the HINTS.TXT file we've included. Jagged Alliance 2 is a mix of role-playing, strategy and tactical combat. The series is mostly known for its tactical combat and that is the easiest to demonstrate, hence that is what is included here. In the full game, there is a whole other game "on top" of the tactical game that cannot be easily demonstrated here. Jagged Alliance 2 is also very much a role-playing game with many quests and over 150 characters - each one complete with speech! The developers of Jagged Alliance 2 have labored for over 2 years, bucking the trend of the recent RTS games to bring you a game rich in its attention to detail, epic story, and unprecedented blend of various gaming styles. We think (and hope) you're going to like what you see. Have fun! The JA2 Development Team